Green Environment
The Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board (TNPCB) has given a directive to all industries to raise trees on 25% of the land area acquired by the industry. This shall be developed as green belt with trees having a thick canopy cover. The trees should be planted so as to act as a pollution check and shall be planted in the peripheries of the unit and wherever vacant land available. NBNP has launched a mega tree planting programme with the approval of TNPCB for industries such as Magna, Pricol, CRI and Chandra Textiles in Coimbatore. Sponsoring industries will get TNPCB approval for GREEN BELT.
Plants Conservation and Environmental Education
Implementing Global Strategy for Plants Conservation (GSPC) and Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
1.CBD Target 14 – The importance of plant diversity and the need for its conservation was incorporated into communication, educational and public awareness programmes. A total of 16,000 people have been trained in the past six years.
2.CBD Target 16 – Networks for plants conservation activities were established at regional, national and international levels. A total of 12 botanical gardens were visited by NBNP staff to acquire more knowledge, sharing of information and exchange of plant materials.
3.Article 9 of CBD – NBNP maintains 66 species of RET plants at the NBR Arboretum. The maintenance of such conservation collection by Botanic garden supports the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD, 2000)
4.During the past 37 years, NBNP has restored nearly 25,000 plants of 350 species.